Wednesday, March 16, 2011

14 weeks...and who's belly button is this?! (or is it 'whose'?)

First of all...isn't this just the CUTEST little thing you've ever seen?!?!?! It's my baby!! This was one of the sonogram pics we got from the last doc appt checking for Down's Syndrome and other genetic defects. Prognosis: normal. YAY Its still too early to determine the sex but we will be finding out as soon as we possibly can. I myself am a huge planner and I couldn't bear to spend another 6 months speculating. We already have a handful of people that think it's a boy so far...and only a couple who think its a girl.

So let me just explain the title...I've told you about the baby bump already happening, which I think is great. I always think pregnant ladies look cute in their little bumps...AND along with the bump, if you are not aware, the belly button of the mother starts to pop out (especially if she's got an innie) because of the location of the growing baby. Now I knew this, and me being an extreme innie, knew that this would be happening to me AT SOME POINT but I never knew it would happen so soon! Seriously my tummy and belly button look like some other woman's. My belly button is unrecognizable as my own and I've never seen the bottom of it until now. It hasn't fully popped out but its definitely out, which as you can probably tell, is freaking me out a little...but in a good way :)

Everything is going pretty well lately other than I have been sick the past few days. Nothing too serious, just some major allergies with a hint of sinus infection or cold. Not really sure. I feel 100% better than I did a couple days ago but I have been left with a nasally voice and a gnarly sounding cough. I ended up calling my gyno and they asked me to come in to check me out. I think they were worried about the flu and also she said that I looked better than I sounded on the phone..."thanks, I guess". I broke down and took some Benadryl since I couldn't stand the pressure in my sinuses anymore. That's the first medicine I have taken since my pregnancy. Call me crazy but I just would rather not have to take any of that nonsense.

No queasiness and I'm feeling pretty good, aside from the sickness. I am officially in my 2nd trimester, and have heard that it's just the best ever! Best trimester, loads of energy, feeling great, getting things done...any day now...I'm ready for bring it on, I'm ready.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! :)
    I use to obsess about my belly button, as it got flatter and never did pop, but it was definitely flat!

    I stumbled upon your blog and hope you don't mind me commenting.
